Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Operating System Transition

This academic year, we are in the process of transitioning our operating system, Voyager, to a new system. The new system has two sides: Alma, in which the library staff will be able to do maintenance and daily upkeep, and Primo, the public user interface of the new system. Gordon State isn't the only school to make the switch to Alma/Primo. In fact, the entire University System of Georgia will be making the switch this academic year. With technology advancing every day, Voyager has become outdated. Alma/Primo provides new and more efficient ways of handling our day to day operations, here in-house and as we connect with other schools via ILL/GIL Express.
     Technical Services Librarian Jim Rickerson is our institutional lead on this transition with our college archivist and Reference Instructional Librarian, Beth Pye, as our back up administrator. We have five different teams working on different aspects of this transition. One of the more difficult aspects during the transition, according to Rickerson, would be reevaluating our work flows. In order to prepare our system for the transition, we had to look at the way we configured our data in the old system and adjust so that it would fit in the new system. This includes system configurations for check out periods, fines, books on reserve, and notices. Pye believes that one of the biggest obstacles we have faced is time, specifically that we do not have enough. Ex Libris also provided us with a lot of cleanup tasks in order to prepare our library for the transition. This included weeding through our collection, pulling unused or duplicate books, and cleaning up our GIL-Find Database.
     With Alma/Primo, we will no longer have multiple zones housing our GIL information. Currently, each institution has their own institutional GIL-Find zone as well as their own zone within GIL-Universal. Under the new system we will have one shared community zone between the schools in the university system in addition to their own institutional zone. This will improve GIL sharing.
     Our next step in the transition process is testing our institutional sandbox. This is our opportunity to test out the new system within our institution to check for any bugs, issues, or inconsistencies. Our sandbox will essentially be a beta version with our institutional records that we will use to get more hands-on experience before the system goes live throughout the University System of Georgia.
     Both Rickerson and Pye, as well as the rest of the library staff, feel good about the transition and agree that it will be a great next step for The Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library. Staff training will continue through the end of December and the University System of Georgia will role out the new system in May 2017.

ALMA Training with Dr. Gaither

The Ex Libris® Group, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions announced in July 2015 that the University System of Georgia selected the cloud-based Alma® library management service and Primo® discovery and delivery solution to create a new shared library system.

Using Alma collaborative networks for acquisitions, cataloging, resource sharing, and analytics, the University System of Georgia will be able to streamline its processes across the entire network and support new consortium-wide initiatives, with the goal of enhancing library and user services (Ex Libris,, 2015).

Library staff at each USG institution including Gordon State are divided into functional teams related to the collaborative networks for acquisitions, cataloging, resource sharing, and analytics. These teams meet biweekly, and receive training online and face-to-face. Dr. Sonya S. Gaither, Director of Library Services serves as the USG Alma Analytics Team Lead. The Analytics Team will receive online training on November 1 and 15, 2016 and face-to-face training at Gordon State on November 15-16, 2016.
The Regents Academic Committee on Libraries (RACL) is an academic advisory committee established by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The membership consists of one voting member appointed by the President of each institution. In most cases, the member is the institution’s library director, dean, or university librarian. The function of the committee is:
     * To make reports and recommendations concerning the improvement of instruction, curriculum, research, and service in matters related to libraries
     * To exchange information and ideas
     * To improve resource sharing and coordination of services between units of the University System
     * To consider any other matters requested by the Senior Vice Chancellor or his/her representatives.

RACL meets twice a year. The last meeting was held at Gordon State College on November 10-11, 2016 and hosted by the RACL Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, our very own. Dr. Sonya S. Gaither, Director of Library Services.

Library Hours for Final Exams

The Library will have special study hours for students to prep for final exams. They have been listed below.
Final Exam Week
December 2, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
December 3, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
December 4, 2:00 p.m. - midnight
December 5, 8:00 a.m. - midnight
December 6, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
December 7, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
December 8, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
December 9, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

State of the Stacks September 21, 2016


Annual Goals
            Revise/update policies/procedures
                        -Alma transition
                        -Day-to-day operations
Revise/update web page
            Revamp library instruction program
                        -Learning objectives
                        -Expand instruction beyond 1st year to include upper level 
                          subject specific & colloquium classes
-CREDO Information Literacy 
            English 1101/1102
            QEP assistance
            Review/increase Assessment program
Budget & Purchasing
                       -Print v. electronic database spending
                       -Rate of increases for annual database subscriptions
           -Book purchasing
                       - Faculty recommendations
                       -Department accounts can be created and recommendations
                        submitted online – training available
Building Usage
Instruction & Research
            Timeliness of research assistance given to students
ILL v. GIL Express
Library staff unfamiliar with research assignments prior to 
                       -Resources unavailable/never owned by library
                       -Desire to work closer with faculty to ensure resources are 
Review & update on 2015-2016 Library Committee Recommendations
SACSCOC Initial Report & Focus Report
Staffing and Professional Development
What’s New
            Alma – new library management system (All USG libraries 
Electronic newsblog – library news for faculty
Upcoming events
                        -Library Directors’ Meeting – Dr. Gaither to host at GSC – 
                         Nov. 11, 2016 (planning stage)
                        -Alma Analytics training - Dr. Gaither to host at GSC – 
                         Nov. 15-16, 2016 (planning stage)

State of the Stacks October 31, 2016

The final review from the SACSOC onsite team was very favorable. The team inquired about support for recently added majors, library staff professional development and was very pleased with the recent library remodeling.
The library was presented with the USG Innovation award for transformative design.
One of the library’s goals is to streamline and revise online instructional tutorials and help support faculty to improve information literacy efforts for their students. The library is also creating an electronic newsletter geared towards faculty to promote specific library services and resources which support instruction. Librarians also attend new faculty orientation, adjunct professors’ workshops, and departmental meetings to explain available services as well. The Library Committee will discuss a request to compose a paragraph that faculty may use in syllabi to inform students of library resources.

In May 2017 the Ex Libris ALMA library management system will go online. Also, they would like to implement the LibQUAL service quality survey next year.

State of the Stacks October 5, 2016

Dr. Sonya S. Gaither, Director of Library Services
Library Committee Meeting
October 5, 2015
Budget Review & Analysis

FY15 and Prior
Subscriptions (includes conference registrations, databases, periodicals, memberships)
Book collection

*library budget
*Student Technology Fee
*GALILEO Cost share

Baker & Taylor – Yankee Book Peddler (YBP) – GOBI

2.9 The institution, through ownership or formal arrangements or agreements, provides and supports student and faculty access and user privileges to adequate library collections and services and to other learning/information resources consistent with the degrees offered. Collections, resources, and services are sufficient to support all its educational, research, and public service programs. (Learning resources and services)

3.4.9 The institution provides appropriate academic support services. (Academic support services)

3.4.12 The institution’s use of technology enhances student learning and is appropriate for meeting the objectives of its programs. Students have access to and training in the use of technology. (Technology use)

3.8.1 The institution provides facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission. (Learning/information resources)

3.8.2 The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources. (Instruction of library use)

3.8.3 The institution provides a sufficient number of qualified staff—with appropriate education or experiences in library and/or other learning/information resources—to accomplish the mission of the institution. (Qualified staff)

Demonstrating Our Value (Assessment)

Academic Freedom

Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure

Best Practices for Information Literacy Practices

Special Collection/Archives

Distance Learning

Faculty role of academic librarians

Faculty Status

Information Literacy Framework

Library instruction guidelines

MSLS - terminal degree

Material transfer from general collection

American Library Association

Association of College and Research Libraries

   -Hightower Library Annual Plan
   -Unit Outcomes and Assessment Results 2011-2015
   -IPEDS data

   -Do we have learning outcomes – yes for library instruction only; not for services and resources provided

   -What do we assess – everything – e.g., print and electronic collections and databases (selection criteria and usage); all services (checkouts, all processing times/work flows, GIL Express, ILL, instruction, acquisitions, staff needs and professional development, facility, hours, web page use, MOU agreements

A Few of Our Challenges
   -Lack of work space during renovation
   -Lack of quiet during renovation – inability to concentrate/focus
   -Lack of service and study space to work with classes and students individually
   -Revamping work flow, policies, and procedures during renovation and SACS
   -Crowding in main Library Room when providing assistance
   -Students not coming to library for assistance – traffic has dropped tremendously (only want studyspace/computers which we do not have but is available in other buildings)

Renovation Mission Statement
To more fully integrate the Hightower Library into the daily life of Gordon's learning community by renovating the physical space to be more inviting, connected, open, functional, inspiring, flexible, and open to natural light.
     -Floor plans
     -Furniture selection

Instructional Opportunities

Here at the library, we have several options for library instruction; classic classroom time, one-on-one instruction with our Personal Librarian Program, online tutorials, LIBR 1001- 1 credit hour course, workshops, and help at the front desk. To request classic classroom instruction, follow the link to submit the form and allow at least 48 hours for processing the request. The class instruction can be geared towards general library knowledge or research for a specific topic. With one-on-one assistance you can either Ask-A-Librarian for general questions or set up an appointment through our Personal Librarian Program for subject specific questions. Online tutorials are available through Creedo InfoLit Courseware to teach students about effective research and library use. This option does require login information you will need to contact Dr. Gaither to obtain. We are in the process of revamping our LIBR 1001 course. It has previously been offered in both 8-week and full semester classes taught by either Professor Beth Pye or Dr. Gaither. More details regarding the update of this course will come later. We also offer drop in workshops on topics ranging from nursing to GALILEO to individual library instruction. Please contact Dr. Gaither for more information and topics. We also have a great group of student assistants who are available to help students with finding books in the stacks, assist with printing and scanning, and help the library staff with projects. Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding any of our services.