Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Regents Academic Committee on Libraries (RACL) is an academic advisory committee established by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The membership consists of one voting member appointed by the President of each institution. In most cases, the member is the institution’s library director, dean, or university librarian. The function of the committee is:
     * To make reports and recommendations concerning the improvement of instruction, curriculum, research, and service in matters related to libraries
     * To exchange information and ideas
     * To improve resource sharing and coordination of services between units of the University System
     * To consider any other matters requested by the Senior Vice Chancellor or his/her representatives.

RACL meets twice a year. The last meeting was held at Gordon State College on November 10-11, 2016 and hosted by the RACL Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, our very own. Dr. Sonya S. Gaither, Director of Library Services.