Monday, September 25, 2017

Library Champions

Our Library Champion this week is Dr. Jeff Knighton. Dr. Knighton uses the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library for research. He has used the stacks in the past and now relies more on ILL and GIL Express. Knighton also recommends the library for meetings and “a quiet space to do research.” Knighton uses the PsycINFO database regularly and recommends this database for his colleagues. “You can get anything you want with Interlibrary loan” and GIL Express, Knighton asserts.  “The renovated library offers a nice, quiet space for researching and an alternative space for meetings.”

Monday, September 18, 2017

Library Champions

Our Library Champion this week is Dr. Linda Hyde. Hyde enjoys going to the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center and Library about two times a semester. Hyde also uses GALILEO databases more frequently for classroom specific or general biology questions. Hyde has her classes visit the library. Her students are given a Biology specific introduction to the library and its resources. Worksheets are distributed and database searches are conducted so the students learn the correct format for research. Hyde hopes “the students learn more about biology through their research, even if it is just an interesting topic they decide to pursue on their own.” Hyde prefers using the JSTOR database because of its numerous full-text articles. Hyde would recommend her colleagues check out the rooms with computers, as it is “a quick way to get students into the databases.” Also, Hyde suggests putting books on reserve as supplemental texts for classes. Hyde’s favorite things about the library are the librarians, the interesting renovations, and watching students study in the available study rooms.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Library Champions

Dr. Lynn Rumfelt visits the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaboration Center & Library about once a month. Rumfelt also uses the online resources about 1-2 times a week for research. Rumfelt’s students are “encouraged to use their personal librarian, Professor Brenda Rutherford to provide a brief overview of Library Services and reserve training session with their Personal Librarian on the Library premises later in the semester.” She also has used her Personal Librarian to conduct tours of the library for her students. While Rumfelt has not incorporated LibGuides into her classes, she intends to do so this academic year. Rumfelt encourages her students to use GALILEO. Rumfelt recommends colleagues take advantage of the training sessions offered by personal librarians. “They make research much easier for the students.” “Group study rooms with white boards and speech practice rooms” are things that Dr. Rumfelt likes most about the library.