Dr. Lynn Rumfelt visits the Dorothy W. Hightower
Collaboration Center & Library about once a month. Rumfelt also uses the
online resources about 1-2 times a week for research. Rumfelt’s students are
“encouraged to use their personal librarian, Professor Brenda Rutherford to
provide a brief overview of Library Services and reserve training session with
their Personal Librarian on the Library premises later in the semester.” She
also has used her Personal Librarian to conduct tours of the library for her
students. While Rumfelt has not incorporated LibGuides into her classes, she
intends to do so this academic year. Rumfelt encourages her students to use
GALILEO. Rumfelt recommends colleagues take advantage of the training sessions
offered by personal librarians. “They make research much easier for the
students.” “Group study rooms with white boards and speech practice rooms” are
things that Dr. Rumfelt likes most about the library.