Monday, November 26, 2018
Library Champion
This week's Library Champion is Dr. Jason Horn. Dr. Horn uses the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library about twice a week. Horn uses the library for "research and leisure reading it. It always has something to do with reading." Horn takes his students to the library a few times a semester; search for material from the time period we may be covering." Horn uses LibGuides for composition and literature classes. Horn " provides search questions" along with the LibGuides. Horn encourages his students to use any database related to humanities, particularly the ones connected to literature. Horn recommends the reference section of the library. "This is where I work with students most. This allows them to find some information and gain some knowledge from places other than electronic resources. Much of the information in the reference section cannot be easily- if at all- discovered online. From the reference section, students can find the material being referenced in the rest of the library." It is not used very much lately but horn admits, "I am quite the traditional guy." Horn thinks the library is "a comfortable place for student and one which makes them feel at home." Horn also likes the "mix in out library of books and screens." Horn also likes "the personal help that my students receive and the willingness of the librarians to give that extra effort to help both the students and faculty.