Wednesday, January 18, 2017

State of the Stacks October 31, 2016

The final review from the SACSOC onsite team was very favorable. The team inquired about support for recently added majors, library staff professional development and was very pleased with the recent library remodeling.
The library was presented with the USG Innovation award for transformative design.
One of the library’s goals is to streamline and revise online instructional tutorials and help support faculty to improve information literacy efforts for their students. The library is also creating an electronic newsletter geared towards faculty to promote specific library services and resources which support instruction. Librarians also attend new faculty orientation, adjunct professors’ workshops, and departmental meetings to explain available services as well. The Library Committee will discuss a request to compose a paragraph that faculty may use in syllabi to inform students of library resources.

In May 2017 the Ex Libris ALMA library management system will go online. Also, they would like to implement the LibQUAL service quality survey next year.