Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Library Champions

Dr. Caesar Perkowski visits the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library about two to three times a week. He picks up books from our collection or those he has ordered through GIL Express. Perkowski incorporates the library into his classroom by requiring his 1101 students to “attend a general library orientation session to learn about the resources available through the library, on site and online.” Perkowski also requires students who are working on a group project to go to the library to talk to the librarians about researching their topics. Perkowski uses LibGuides in his classrooms. Perkowski feels the librarians put care and effort into creating the LIbGuides so he encourages his students to use them. Perkowski recommends the Academic Search Complete database because he feels it “serves as a starting point in anyone’s research.” Academic Search Complete leads people easily to other databases that might prove useful in their research. He recommends GALILEO to his colleagues because it is “a fantastic repository of materials and databases.” Perkowski loves the feel of the library since it has been renovated. He feels it has a more modern feel and look, and the space and lighting “make it a pleasant place to study and socialize.”