Thursday, October 12, 2017

Library Champions

This week's library champion is Dr. Richard Baskin. Dr. Baskin uses the Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library for personal research and research for his class. Baskin encourages his students to meet with Beth Pye, their personal librarian for help with research papers. The librarians help with finding good sources, MLA formatting, and can show students “how to use a source.” “The librarians help motivate students, and keep them from being overwhelmed with research.” Librarian Beth Pye adapted a LibGuide for Baskin’s class, and Baskin shares his assignments with Pye so she can keep up with what the students are currently working on in class. Baskin will be breaking his papers into different sections and the librarians will be there for every step if the students need their help. “Students can stop by the library with questions outside of my office hours.” Baskin feels some students are better with a face to face discussion which they can have with librarians, even on the weekends. Baskin suggests his colleagues take advantage of the librarians and what they have to offer. He suggests “becoming more familiar with databases to better advise students.” What Baskin likes most about the library is the staff. “They are generally helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly.”