The library staff will be happy to assist students with renewing books. There are 3 options for doing so:
1. Students may bring the book, along with their Gordon State College ID, to the library and our staff will check the book out again in the circulation system.
2. Books can be renewed online either on or off campus.
3. The book self-checkout machine.
After a book has been checked out for 28 days, it may be recalled if another student needs it. The student who currently possesses the book must return it so that it may be checked out by the other student.
Reserve materials are items that professors have placed at the circulation desk and that have specific checkout times. The professor decides how they will circulate in the library. Circulation periods may be one of the following:
1. Two hour in-library use. These cannot leave the library, but photocopies may be made. Overdue fines apply.
2. 48-hour reserve. These items can leave the library and are due back by closing the next day or when class resumes. On Fridays, items are check out until Monday. Overdue fines apply.
3. Seven day checkout. These items may leave the library and are due back in seven days. Overdue fines apply.
*Note that changes will be made after we go live with the new GILFind
Our library's Information Literacy and Instructional Program supports the instructional mission of the Library and the College to create information literate students.
GSC offers a wide variety of learning opportunities. Instruction is available in many ways that can be found at the bottom of the library instruction page.
One of the most effective methods of instruction is through our Personal Librarian Program. By setting up an appointment with the librarian assigned to each specific subject, students will receive one-on-one instruction. The librarian will help students identify the best resources for their research and guide them through the process.
Do not expect the librarians to do the work for you, they are here to guide you. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."
The new GIL-Find training sessions are 1-hour per session. You may pick the date/time that best fits your schedule. You will only need to attend once unless you would like a refresher. More training will be offered in June and August.
Our new system, GILFind@Gordon State, will GO LIVE on May 26, 2017!
WHAT: new GILFind (library catalog) student training
DAY: Monday & Tuesday
DATE: June 12 &13
TIME: 11a-noon & 2-3p
LOCATION: Library Classroom 226